Consejo Shores Parks & Roads Trust Limited
Benefits of Being a CSPRTL Member
Benefits of Being a Consejo Shores Parks & Roads Trust Ltd Member
Consejo Shores Parks & Roads Trust Ltd (CSPRTL) is a non-profit organization established in 2010 to permanently preserve and maintain community parks and roads for the use of all Consejo Shores property owners located within the Relevant Developed Area (RDA) and to represent the interests of CSPRTL members. As a CSPRTL member, you will receive CSPRTL Annual General Meeting invites. When resolutions are brought forward, members who are current in all CSPRTL contribution payments may vote on said resolution/s.
CSPRTL uses income collected from Annual Fees and Road Heavy Use Fees to pay the property taxes for the private parks and the roads in the community, as well as to maintain the parks and roads for the use and enjoyment of property owners. Another important consequence of having such well-kept private parks and roads is the support it provides in stabilizing, and even increasing, property and home values in our beautiful planned community.
CSPRTL maintains the community parks by cutting the grass, removing vegetation periodically and filling cave-ins when required, as well as maintaining the sea walls and other amenities such as picnic tables and palapas.
CSPRTL maintains the community’s private roads by filling potholes and cave-ins as needed. Keeping all roads and parks safe for everyone's usage. Additionally, CSPRTL maintains a reserve fund in the event of a need for major projects, such as would be needed following a hurricane, and for major roads improvements not covered under simple pothole and cave-in filling.
All Consejo Shores property owners within the Relevant Developed Area (RDA) are asked to sign an agreement, upon purchasing property within the RDA of Consejo Shores, agreeing to pay a small Annual Fee which is applied to the general fund for ensuring CSPRTL is able to complete the work and maintain the reserve needed for the private parks and roads each year. Without your valuable contribution to Annual Fees, CSPRTL is limited in our ability to support you and your neighbors in keeping our private parks and roads beautiful, usable and safe. If you neglect to pay your Annual Fees but continue to enjoy the parks and drive on the roads, you are doing so only because your neighbors are paying their fair share.
CSPRTL asks: Let’s all do our share by paying Annual Fees each year.
With Many Thanks,
CSPRTL Board of Directors